Thursday 8 September 2011

Job Opportunities In ALMARAI

Job Opportunities In ALMARAI,

Thursday 25 August 2011

Butter churn

Butter churn

A butter churn is a device used to convert cream into butter. This is done through a mechanical process, frequently via a pole inserted through the lid of the churn, or via a crank used to turn a rotating device inside the churn.
Storage tank
A storage tank is a container, usually for holding liquids, sometimes for compressed gases (gas tank). The term can be used for reservoirs (artificial lakes and ponds), and for manufactured containers.
In dairy farming a bulk milk cooling tank is a large storage tank for cooling and holding milk at a cold temperature until it can be picked up by a milk hauler. The bulk milk cooling tank is an important milk farm equipment. It is usually made of stainless steel and used every day to store the raw milk on the farm in good condition. It must be cleaned after each milk collection. The milk cooling tank can be the property of the farmer or being rented to the farmer by the dairy plant.

Dairy starter Culture

Dairy starter Culture,

Dairy Starters types:
 There are two types of dairy starter
1.      Traditional starters
2.      Defined starters.
There are further two types of Traditional starters
1.      Artisanal starter
2.      Mixed strain starter
Artisanal starter culture is composed of anonymous mixture of laboratory that are derived by back-slopping. There is a lot of technological and scientific implication of Artisanal cultures. Natural whey starter having unpredictable performance are extensively used in the manufacturing of different types of cheese for example Mozzarella / Italico cheese. Mozzarella cheese is manufactured in Southern Italy from dairy product such as milk obtained from Bubalus arnee commonly known as water buffalo. Mozzarella cheese manufacturing will require selective conditions such as heat treatment, following by incubation at high temp for the growth of Streptococcus thermophilus. It also contain  lactococci, leuconstocs and lactobacilli. It is derived from old successful cheese and is stored for 24 hour at ambient temperature.
            Other example of Artisanal food products include bread, ice-cream, pasta, beverages, jams, condiments, preserves, chocolate, sauces, confections and a large variety of other daily food products. Generally artisanal producers are consider small, craft-oriented operations who add a true labor of love for these products.
Natural Milk cultures:
Repeated subculturing of Natural milk cultures results in change in composition of species and loss of activity. Therefore the natural milk culture is unstable. Soft and semisoft cheese and some time hard Italian cheese are formed from natural milk culture. The example of semisoft cheese resulting from natural milk culture is Mozzarella, Italico and Crescenza while hard cheese include Montasio and Asiago etc. these cultures are produced by heating milk of good quality at 63-65C for 10minutes, then final cooling it  at 45C. After cooling the cheese is incubated to obtain 0.4-0.5% acidity by lactic acid.

cgs Units

cgs Units

1 erg = 10-7 J

1 dyn = 10-5 N

1 P = 1 dyn s/cm2 = 0.1 Pa s

1 St = 1 cm2/s = 10-4 m2/s

1 G = 10-4 T

1 Oe = (1000/(4 pi)) A/m

1 Mx = 10-8 Wb

1 sb = 1 cd/cm2 = 104 cd/m2

1 ph = 104 lx

SI Derived Units

SI Derived Units

(Please note: all units to the right of the slash are actually in the denominator!)
hertz: Hz = 1/s

newton: N = m kg/s2

Pressure, stress
pascal: Pa = N/m2 = kg/m s2

Energy, work, quantity of heat
joule: J = N m = m2 kg/s2

Power, radiant flux
watt: W = J/s = m2 kg/s3

Quantity of electricity, electric charge
coulomb: C = s A

Electric potential
volt: V = W/A = m2 kg/s3 A

farad: F = C/V = s4 A2/m2 kg

Electric resistance
ohm: Omega = V/A = m2 kg/s3 A2

siemens: S = A/V = s3 A2/m2 kg

Magnetic flux
weber: Wb = V s = m2 kg/s2 A

Magnetic flux density, magnetic induction
tesla: T = Wb/m2 = kg/s2 A

henry: H = Wb/A = m2 kg/s2 A2

Luminous flux
lumen: lm = cd sr

lux: lx = lm/m2 = cd sr/m2

Activity (ionizing radiations)
becquerel: Bq = 1/s

Absorbed dose
gray: Gy = J/kg = m2/s2

Dynamic viscosity
pascal second: Pa s = kg/m s

Moment of force
metre newton: N m = m2 kg/s2

Surface tension
newton per metre: N/m = kg/s2

Heat flux density, irradiance
watt per square metre: W/m2 = kg/s3

Heat capacity, entropy
joule per kelvin: J/K = m2 kg/s2 K

Specific heat capacity, specific entropy
joule per kilogram kelvin: J/kg K = m2/s2 K

Specific energy
joule per kilogram: J/kg = m2/s2

Thermal conductivity
watt per metre kelvin: W/m K = m kg/s3 K

Energy density
joule per cubic metre: J/m3 = kg/m s2

Electric field strength
volt per metre: V/m = m kg/s3 AElectric charge density
coulomb per cubic metre: C/m3 = s A/m3

Electric displacement, electric flux density
coulomb per square metre: C/m2 = s A/m2

farad per metre: F/m = s4 A2/m3 kg

henry per metre: H/m = m kg/s2 A2

Molar energy
joule per mole: J/mol = m2 kg/s2 mol

Molar entropy, molar heat capacity
joule per mole kelvin: J/mol K = m2 kg/s2 K mol

Exposure (ionizing radiations)
coulomb per kilogram: C/kg = s A/kg

Absorbed dose rate
gray per second: Gy/s = m2/s3

SI Units

  SI Units
SI = Systm International units

Quantity, Name, Symbol

metre (meter): m
(the correct English spelling of the unit is "metre", but the variant "meter" is frequently used in the United States)

kilogram: kg

second: s

electric current
ampere: A

thermodynamic temperature
kelvin: K

amount of substance
mole: mol

luminous intensity
candela: cd

SI Prefixes

exponent (base 10) of decimal numbers: E n = 10n
Factor           Prefix   Symbol
1024     E 24     yotta    Y
1021     E 21     zetta    Z
1018     E 18     exa      E
1015     E 15     peta     P
1012     E 12     tera     T
109      E  9     giga     G
106      E  6     mega     M
103      E  3     kilo     k
102      E  2     hecto    h
101      E  1     deca     da
10-1     E -1     deci     d
10-2     E -2     centi    c
10-3     E -3     milli    m
10-6     E -6     micro    µ
10-9     E -9     nano     n
10-12    E-12     pico     p
10-15    E-15     femto    f
10-18    E-18     atto     a
10-21    E-21     zepto    z
10-24    E-24     yocto    y

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Agri corn

Agri corn,
Cloud Nine (se) Sweet Corn.

  • Big, 8 1/2-in.
  • Beautiful ears are packed with 16-18 rows of pearly white kernels bursting with flavor!
  • Rated among the best in 2003 Evaluation Board trials.
Has Stewart’s wilt tolerance, too. 76 DAYS.

Product Details

Zones: 3 - 9 annual
Height: 6.5 ft
Spacing: 10-12 inches between plants; 30-36 inches between rows
Depth: 1-2 inches
Spread: 15" - 18"
Sun/Shade: full sun
Days To Maturity: 76 days
Fruit: ears are 8.5 inches long and have 16-18 rows of pearly white kernels
Comments: TSW-Table sweet variety. Large-eared white hybrid with Stewart's wilt tolerance, clean plant with attractive ears. NOTE: Isolate by 250 - 300 ft or by 3 weeks maturity time from sh2 and su varieties.
Shipping: View Shipping Schedule
Cloud Nine (se) Sweet Corn Ships In Both Spring And Fall
Unable to ship to:

Corn Kinds

Corn Kinds,
Bodacious (se) Sweet Corn

  • Packed with large
  • Juicy golden kernels—18 full rows on every 8-in. ear.
  • Sweet
  • Flavorful and exceptionally tender!
  • Fine for canning and freezing.
  • As dependable as it is delicious.
  • Excellent disease resistance. 75 DAYS.

Product Details
Zones: 3 - 9 annual
Height: 87 inches
Spacing: 8-12 inches between plants; 30-36 inches between rows
Depth: 1-2 inches
Spread: 15-18 inches
Sun/Shade: full sun
Germination: 5-8 days
Days To Maturity: 75
Yield: 10 dozen ears/100 foot row
Fruit: 18 rows
Comments: Tender kernel. Superior sweet flavor. Holds well after harvest. Yellow corn. NOTE: Isolate by 250 - 300 ft or by 3 seeks maturity time from sh2 and su varieties.
Shipping: View Shipping Schedule
Bodacious (se) Sweet Corn Ships In Both Spring And Fall
Unable to ship to:

Friday 12 August 2011





Dear All,

I got the following list from a respected journalist working for Daily
Dawn. I sent it for verification to a former friend of President
Zardari, who said that he is not surprised to see the list.

The list include local and international assets of president Zardari.

List of Property president ZARDARI'S LOCAL ASSETS ARE:

1) Plot no. 121, Phase VIII, DHA Karachi.

2) Agricultural land situated in Deh Dali Wadi, Taluka, Tando Allah Yar.

3) Agricultural property located in Deh Tahooki Taluka, District Hyderabad
4) measuring 65.15 acres.

5) Agricultural land falling in Deh 76-Nusrat, Taluka, District Nawabshah
6) measuring 827.14 acres

7) Agricultural land situated in Deh 76-Nusrat, Taluka, District
Nawabshah measuring 293.18 acres

8) Residential plot No 3 (Now House) Block No B-I, City Survey No 2268
Ward-A Nawabshah

9) Huma Heights (Asif Apartments) 133, Depot Lines, Commissariat Road, Karachi

10) Trade Tower Building 3/CL/V Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi

11) House No 8, St 9, F-8/2, Islamabad

12) Agricultural land in Deh 42 Dad Taluka/ District Nawabshah

13) Agricultural land in Deh 51 Dad Taluka Distt Nawabshah

14) Plot No 3 & 4 Sikni (residential) Near Housing Society Ltd. Nawabshah

15) CafT Sheraz (C.S No.. 2231/2 2231/3) Nawabshah

16) Agricultural land in Deh 23-Deh Taluka & District Nawabshah

17) Agricultural property in Deh 72-A, Nusrat Taluka, Nawabshah

18) Agricultural land in Deh 76-Nusrat Taluka, Nawabshah

19) Plot No. A/136 Survey No 2346 Ward A Government Employees
Cooperative Housing Society Ltd, Nawabshah

20) Agricultural land in Deh Jaryoon Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad

21) Agricultural land in Deh Aroro Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad

22) Agricultural land in Deh Nondani Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad

23) Agricultural land in Deh Lotko Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad

24) Agricultural land in Deh Jhol Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad

25) Agricultural land in Deh Kandari Taluka Tando Allah Yar, Distt. Hyderabad

26) Agricultural land in Deh Deghi Taluka Tando Mohammad Khan

27) Agricultural land in Deh Rahooki Taluka, Hyderabad Property in Deh
Charo Taluka, Badin

28) Agricultural property in Deh Dali Wadi Taluka, Hyderabad

29) Five acres prime land allotted by DG KDA in 1995/96

30) 4,000 kanals on Simli Dam

31) 80 acres of land at Hawkes Bay13 acres of land at Maj Gulradi (KPT Land)

32) One acre plot, GCI, Clifton

33) One acre of land, State Life (International Center, Sadar)

34) FEBCs worth Rs. 4 million

36) Sakrand Sugar Mills Nawabshah

37) Ansari Sugar Mills Hyderabad

38) Mirza Sugar Mills Badin

39) Pangrio Sugar Mills Thatta

40) Bachani Sugar Mills Sanghar


42) Bomer Fiannce Inc, British Virgin Islands

43) Mariston Securities Inc, British Virgin Islands

44) Marleton Business S A, British Virgin Islands

45) Capricorn Trading S A, British Virgin Islands

46) Fagarita Consulting INc, British Virgin Islands

47) Marvil Associated Inc, British Virgin Islands

48) Pawnbury Finance Ltd, British Virgin Islands

49) Oxton Trading Limited, British Virgin Islands

50) Brinslen Invest S A, British Virgin Islands

51) Chimitex Holding S A, British Virgin Islands

52) Elkins Holding S A, British Virgin Islands

53) Minister Invest Ltd, British Virgin Islands

54) Silvernut Investment Inc, British Virgin Islands

55) Tacolen Investment Ltd, British Virgin Islands

56) Marlcrdon Invest S A, British Virgin Islands

57) Dustan Trading Inc, British Virgin Islands

58) Reconstruction and Development Finance Inc, British Virgin Islands

59) Nassam Alexander Inc.

60) Westminster Securities Inc.

61) Laptworth Investment Inc 202,

62) Saint Martin Drive, West JacksonvilleIntra

63) Foods Inc. 3376, Lomrel Grove, Jacksonville, Florida

64) Dynatel Trading Co, FloridaA..S Realty Inc.

65) Palm Beach Gardens Florida

66) Bon Voyage Travel Consultancy Inc, Florida


68) 355 acre Rockwood Estate, Surrey (Now stands admitted)

69) Flat 6, 11 Queensgate Terrace, London SW7

70) 26 Palace Mansions, Hammersmith Road, London W14

71) 27 Pont Street, London, SW1

72) 20 Wilton Crescent, London SW12

73) 3 Lord Chancellor Walk, Coombe Hill, Kingston, Surrey

74) The Mansion, Warren Lane, West Hampstead, London

75) A flat at Queensgate Terrace, London

76) Houses at Hammersmith Road, Wilton Crescent, Kingston and in Hampstead.


78) 12-3 Boulevard De-Nieuport, 1000, Brussels, (Building containing 4
shops and 2 large apartments)

79) Chausee De-Mons, 1670, Brussels


81) La Manoir De La Reine Blanche and property in Cannes

82) ZARDARIS PROPERTIES IN USA - in the name of Asif Zardari and
managed by Shimmy Qureshi are:

83) Stud farm in TexasWellington Club East, West Palm Beach

84) 12165 West Forest Hills, Florida

85) Escue Farm 13,524 India Mound, West Palm Beach

86) 3,220 Santa Barbara Drive, Wellington Florida

87) 13,254 Polo Club Road, West Palm Beach Florida

88) 3,000 North Ocean Drive, Singer Islands, Florida

89) 525 South Flager Driver, West Palm Beach, Florida

90) Holiday Inn Houston Owned by Asif Ali Zardari, Iqbal Memon and
Sadar-ud-Din Hashwani


92) Union Bank of Switzerland (Account No. 552.343, 257.556.60Q, 433.142.60V,
93) 216.393.60T)
94) Citibank Private Limited (SWZ) (Account No. 342034)
95) Citibank N A Dubai (Account No. 818097)
96) Barclays Bank (Suisse) (Account No. 62290209)
97) Barclays Bank (Suisse) (Account No. 62274400)
98) Banque Centrade Ormard Burrus S ABanque Pache S A
99) Banque Pictet & Cie
100) Banque La Henin, Paris (Account No. 00101953552)
101) Bank Natinede Paris in Geneva (Account NO.. 563.726.9)
102) Swiss Bank Corporation
103) Chase Manhattan Bank Switzerland
104) American Express Bank Switzerland
105) Societe De Banque Swissee
106) Barclays Bank (Knightsbridge Branch) (Account No. 90991473)Barclays Bank,
107) Kingston and Chelsea Branch, (Sort Code 20-47-34135)
108) National Westminster Bank, Alwych Branch (Account No. 9683230)
109) Habib Bank (Pall Mall Branch).
110) National Westminster Bank, Barking Branch, (Account No. 28558999).
111) Habib Bank AG, Moorgate, London EC2
112) National Westminster Bank, Edgware Road, London
113) Banque Financiei E Dela Citee, Credit Suisse
114) Habib Bank AG Zurich, Switzerland
115) Pictet Et Cie, Geneva
116) Credit Agricole, Paris
117) Credit Agridolf, Branch 11, Place Brevier, 76440, Forges Les Faux
118) Credit Agricole, Branch Haute ? Normandie, 76230, Boise Chillaum.

Telenor + Tameer Bank

Telenor Pakistan
Telenor Pakistan is 10
0% owned by Telenor ASA and adds on to its operations in Asia together with Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh.
Telenor Logo
Telenor Pakistan launched its operations in March 2005 as the single largest direct European investment in Pakistan, setting precedence for further foreign investments in the telecom sector. The company has crossed many milestones and grown in a number of directions, making Telenor Pakistan a leading telecom operator of the country.  
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Tameer Bank (TMFB) and Financial Sector Strengthening Program (FSSP), a program of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, entered into a Technical Assistance Agreement on September 2005, to support use of technology and innovation in microfinance. This is the first time a donor agency has entrusted a partner MFB to achieve its outreach goals using technology. To this end, TMFB has deployed biometric ATMS. SDC is also assisting TMFB and the microfinance sector to control delinquencies by funding a computerised collection and MIS system. Additionally, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) were procured to speed up the customer acquisition Process.
International Finance Corporation
IFC promotes sustainable private sector development in developing countries. Our particular focus is to promote economic development by encouraging the growth of productive enterprise and efficient capital markets in our member countries.
Our investments in emerging-market companies and financial institutions create jobs, build economies, and generate tax revenues. We also recognize that economic growth is sustainable only if it is environmentally and socially sound and helps improve the quality of life for those living in the developing world.

Easy Paisa

Easy Paisa 
Traditionally Banking has always relied on fixed infrastructure venues (branches) which have high operating costs. This limits banking service reach and seriously prohibits grass roots community inclusion on a fast track.

Tameer Microfinance Bank & Telenor Pakistan launch ‘Money Transfer’ service
Islamabad, 19th November 2009. Tameer Microfinance Bank and Telenor Pakistan have announced launch of Money Transfer, the second in a suite of products being offered under easypaisa. Money Transfer is a secure, easy and convenient way of sending and receiving domestic remittances through easypaisa retail outlets. Users will have the convenience to access the service from more than 4,000 easypaisa merchants, a figure expected to reach 20,000 by the end of year 2010.

CEO Tameer Microfinance Bank, Nadeem Hussain considers domestic remittances a key point in providing financial access to the rural population. “Remittance flow plays a valuable role in supporting the economy. It also offers significant potential to support income of poor and vulnerable groups. Remittances are often the first and sometimes the only financial service used in low income households. Hence the potential for an accessible banking agent in remote areas of the country is immense.” He said.

At the launch of Money Transfer, CEO Telenor Pakistan Jon Eddy Abdullah said, “Providing Money Transfer service is the next step in the development of easypaisa as a unique branchless banking solution. World Bank estimates the domestic transfer volume in Pakistan to be at $6.95 billion per year. Through this service we not only aim to target all current users of domestic remittance services but also to help bring some portion of $ 2 to $ 4 billion transacted through informal channel into mainstream.”

Tameer's original branchless banking pilot was developed in partnership with the technology program at Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), a microfinance center housed at the World Bank. The program is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Telenor Pakistan & Tameer Microfinance Bank's easypaisa portfolio, which now includes Bill Payment solution and Money Transfer, is scheduled to come up with services such as, mobile wallet accounts, cash deposits and withdrawal facilities in near future. The services offer innovation, freedom, security and convenience.